eosDAC Token
The eosDAC token explorer lets you see balances and transfers of the EOSDAC token on chain, holding accounts, as well as the current market price and volume.
- Token contract:
- Token symbol:
- Original Supply:
- Total Tokens Burned:
- Circulating Supply:
What does the EOSDAC token do?
- EOSDAC tokens give the holders the ability to become an eosDAC registered member upon agreement of the constitution on the member client. The more tokens you have the greater benefits you may have.
- Being an eosDAC member gives registered token holders the ability to vote for and elect Custodians to represent the token holder. Custodians will decide how to allocate the DAC’s revenues through signing on-chain multi-sig worker proposals.
- EOSDAC registered members and/or token holders may receive airdrops of projects that use the eosDAC “DAC FACTORY” to launch their own DACs with.
- Registered EOSDAC token holders will be eligible to submit worker proposals to do paid work for eosDAC or EOS ecosystem.
- Registered EOSDAC token holders may be entitled to distribution of profits if the elected Custodian board votes to do this.